Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Hypocricy over Lebanese Sovereignty

Rationalizing politics - as opposed to discussing politics rationally - is extremely easy. You can explain away why Michel Aoun acts the way he does, or why Walid Jumblatt says the things he says, or why Nabih Berri is still speaker of parliament, or even why Hassan Nassrallah is what he is. You can describe actions in almost any perspective you want ...

Yet ... I'm trying, really trying to rationalize the simplest of arguments that I constantly hear: The West is not interested in Lebanon because of Israel. It is sincerely interested in Lebanon's sovereignty because that fits into its bigger picture for the region. It wants democracy to spread, and because of that, is willing to defend Lebanon, in action and not just with words ...

... and then a 15 year old shepherd is shot in South Lebanon, by Israelis ... and not a single peep from those higher powers who "sincerely" care ...


Really, what did Israel expect? That Hezbollah was not going to retaliate?

And that Israel would not retaliate the retaliation?

... ad infinitum ...


Talal Salman (Assafir) has written a piece on Ibrahim Youssef Rhayyel ... (archived version here)


  • The shepherd had a choice to be either with us or with the terrorists and he clearly chose the terrorists.

    By Blogger Jamal, at 6:25 AM  

  • You got a point Laz, but why should anyone take us seriously if we are not serious about our own sovereignty.

    See Kais' post on the matter.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 8:45 AM  

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