Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sweet Dreams

In the early 1970's, a Lebanese leader said the following:

We're training because we don't have any military experience, and since we lack this experience we have to correct that, for our youth has turned soft and needs physical as well as intellectual training. That's the idea behind the military training, and that's what we are doing now. This will never be used against democracy.

We all know what happened.

Fast forward to today. It has been announced that the Lebanese Forces have been training ...

... although these camps supposedly aren't for militias ...

Then why was it so vehemently denied previously?

History has finally gone full circle. And why not? Mistakes of the past 15 years are finally catching up with us. There was no formal reconciliation, no attempt at redemption, and focus was always on the victimizers rather than on the victims.

Classic ...

On my shelf I have a book that has collected many of the statements pre-1975 and during 1975 ... I feel like sending copies to those in "charge" and showing them that their actions today are not as original as they may think ...

However, for now ... the only question I'm trying to answer is if we enjoy being used and abused ... I've tried searching for other explanations for all the bullshit that has occured recently ... but when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth ...


  • Who was that Lebanese leader in the 1970's to whom the quote is attributed?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:50 PM  

  • well, i didn't want to get into names, since his action wasn't unique, but this specific quote is attribute to Kamil Shamoun.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 7:08 AM  

  • I believe that it was Winston Churchill who paraphrased the popular saying of a Roman philosopher: "We learn from history that we never learn from history".

    The above statement is sadly very true in describing the Lebanese situation. Our actions are very tribal but many of us attempt to hide that under a thin veneer of modernity. We are still in a state of denial.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:41 AM  

  • Lazarus ,

    I , too, share your fear of Lebanon's instability. It will always be the arena for the region's conflicts.

    HA is not the only armed force(militia , resistance) in Lebanon.

    There is now little chance that HA will be persuaded to disarm when others are rearming.

    Your Blog is one of the few that has maintained some sanity and impartiality. Many in the Lebanese Blogsphere believe that Lebanon's and the March 14th movement's salvation depends on regime change in Syria and the Truth about Hariri's murder.

    These are the only things that unite them and they cannot move onto reforming and reconstructing the State. How long can this continue before the economy collapses ( shares of Solidere excepted).

    Lebanon in its present state cannot survive the forces that will be unleashed from the collapse of the Assad regime or Hariri's marathon murder investigation.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:54 PM  

  • My greatest fear is that we didn't learn from the past... and everyone is willing to do the exact same mistakes that he has once done.

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 6:28 AM  

  • how do you expect people to remember the 1970's when they don't remember last week?

    By Blogger Jamal, at 9:41 AM  

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