Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Passing the time ...

The next two weeks, like the past one, will be very hectic ...

... so ...

... as to not let this blog wither into online oblivion ...

I'll just post some pics I've taken - for a while, I'll take a break from discussing Lebanon directly ... after all, what's the point when schisms brew darker with every passing moment ... when people think that holding up pictures of their zaim is equivalent to voicing their opinion ... when it becomes cool to use big words and unconstructive cliches ...

Until the next pic comes along ... check out this rap song by a Palestinian group. (Warning: Use only with fast connection.) It's always refreshing to see the youth take initiatives that supercede any step their politicians never take ...


  • I guess it is going to be my luck week, I love pics and I hate politics. :)

    Allah ya3teek el-3afye :)

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 9:46 AM  

  • I just downloaded and watched the video clip that you linked in ur post; it is quite creative, satiric, pretty... thanks for sharing the link with us.

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 10:05 AM  

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