Sunday, November 27, 2005

Links of the Day

- No wonder al-Jazeera was a target (Robert Fisk)
- Lebanon to begin privatization of EDL
- Web site offers Saddam uniform for sale
- Gay Arab Men Face Hormone Treatments, Lashings
- India, China to bid for oilfields in Syria
- Police beat Azerbaijan protesters
- Police restrict voting in Egypt runoff
- Jackson to build a mosque in Bahrain
- In Israel, Likud crashes into 'walls of reality'
- Arafat report 'broke BBC rules'


  • haha MJ to build "state of the art mosque in Manama". Sounds like it would be a fun mosque! lol.

    Lovely potpourri of links ya lazaro.

    By Blogger La La, at 3:38 PM  

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