Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Six Million ...

... is a number I don't comprehend. Yet every one of these people fully understands it.

Hunger kills 6 million children a year. In 1996, leaders met at the World Food Summit to try and reduce such deaths in half by 2015 - yet it seems that such an oath will not be met. Developping weapons is a much more profitable business than developping lives.

This is truly a forgotten and ignored crime that is still being committed. Is it the effect of globalization? I don't know, and I actually don't care, because there are obvious ways that this can be dealt with through funding, even with globalizaiton.

I won't bluntly compare this to another crime against humanity, in which 6 million people were slaughtered, because that would be "tasteless". But the slaughter that is hunger is not ignorable either.


  • It is awful how nobody cares about human lives anymore... Each one is only interested in his own "benefit", especially on the large scale level.

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 10:59 AM  

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