Thursday, October 13, 2005

What do you say ...

... when a "charismatic" leader says something like:

"On October 13, 1990, many massacres took place, yet then no one was courageous enough to ask about who the killers were," Aoun said. "And today the government is still not courageous enough to ask who the kidnappers of her lost soldiers and civilians are."

Someone please remind me - because I forget ... wasn't Aoun at the time also a "killer"? Or has one life become more valuable than another - especially in a war of "causes"?

I don't mind this whole "commemoration" concept dedicated to a single battle or day ... on the contrary, in its own way its needed. But please - in remembering part of the past, let's not trash the rest.

Oh - but I forget something else. Aoun is "pure".


And while I'm at it - damn the rest as well.


  • He might not be a saint and not "pure", but he did nor slaughter civilians massively like the Syrians or the Lebanese Forces did.
    He was a warlord alright, but he behaved much better than the militias/

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:47 AM  

  • Anon -

    You are right. But the commemoration - if you read the article - was about the day he was forced to surrender, not about the Syrians or the LF in general.

    And I specifically complained about one word - because that doesn't have a linear scale of relativeness.

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 7:06 AM  

  • You are correct sir! Damn the whole bunch of them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:02 AM  

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