It's official
I finally bought a plane ticket to Lebanon this Christmas break! I know that the actual effect of paying for it will soon cripple my bank account, but that's the beauty of working - things like this can be done, without TOO much worry. I wasn't planning on this trip - especially since I had gone in June. Once a year, although maybe not frequent enough, is enough in that I wouldn't miss too much in the lives of my family and my friends and of course ... a good break from the life here.But ... I have a good 3 and a half weeks off ... and although last year spending them here in California was fun, I am nostalgic enough to trudge 20+ hours both ways (this time however, I have taken an AISLE seat - no more being jailed next to the window for 11 consecutive hours) and spend the main celebrations with the people I have lived with and cared for and enjoyed the past years with.
Ya libnan. I wonder how long it will be before I live there again - but THAT is another story for another day. The years I did live there were perhaps some of the best years - to be more specific, they contained some of the best MOMENTS of my life - but for someone who hasn't yet seen the light of a quarter of a century, that statement is probably too general, too cliche, and too romanticized. However, I cannot consciously deny that a few of those years formed me, and the years since basically consolidated who I am.
So, to pull a shakespeare - Friends, Lebanese, Countrymen - and add to that Family - I will see you soon.
Till then ...
I haven't been since my Christmas 2003-feb2004 trip and I'm hopefully returning this christmas. So I know exactly how you must be feeling..
I wonder, which is more draining, a trip from the States or one from Australia? :)
The answer is probably both!
Enjoy your time:)
By Anonymous, at 12:33 AM
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