Saturday, October 08, 2005

Today is special.

I am doused with the poignant subtleties of the knowledge that, for the second time in my life, a small group of people are celebrating a birthday halfway around the world, and the only connecting thread has become a phone. As their voices linger, I wish I was there.

It has only been one year that my life diverged from theirs, and at times like this, sparkling memories sketch a romanticized past, their smiles etched into my thoughts, reminding me of what was. But thus is life, a never-ending story, whose irony exposes you to the novelties you dream of, yet gently saddens you with the echoes of your childhood’s pulse.

So my family, I wish I was there, just for today, to once again wish my sister a very Happy Birthday.


  • Happy Bday to your sis! Plz take note of my new address lazaro! :)

    By Blogger La La, at 11:08 AM  

  • Happy Birthday To.... :D. I'll say it in person when I see you in Beirut.

    By Blogger Hassan, at 4:50 PM  

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