Sunday, August 21, 2005

I HATE Robert Fisk.

Well, not really. I just hate the way he bursts the bubbles we live in.

His book, Pity the Nation (which was actually banned in Lebanon until a few years ago) is one of the few that dealt with the realities of the War, and one of the least biased ones.

There are those who claim he was biased towards the PLO - they forget that he wrote articles about an arms smuggling ring run by them.

There are those who claim that he was biased towards Syria - he was one of the few reporters that actually made it to Hama, Syria to report on the massacre.

He reported on the Sabra and Chatilla massacre.

He reported on the Israeli invasion and occupation.

And now he reports on Iraq.

While others churn stories like this. Do you really care?


  • He fascinated me in an tv interview I saw a few months ago. He seemed arrognant and vulnerable in the same moment ... it was as if he had moved beyond everyday delusions but his truth was too much for most to stand. I enjoyed the way you wrote of him ... you captured him.

    By Blogger Di Mackey, at 8:59 AM  

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