Saturday, August 20, 2005

Winter's Welcome

It was the smell that first signaled it. The dryness in the air that came before the showers and the storms ruffled the leaves, which soon began to fold onto themselves. They hadn't lost their color just yet, but their roughness was apparent with a simple touch. The air was crisp, and deep breaths were followed by slight coughs, almost as if this was the way it was meant to be. The ground was not as soft, the grass was not as green, and the sky was just a shade of blue darker. Even the squirels bickered less, as they carried and stored their food. I sat on the balcony, watching the jackets and the boots replace California's trademark shorts, trying to touch upon and find the simple lines of continuity between yesterday and today. It would come. We all know it will come, as we all know that it will also go.

Today, only for today, I wish the world would stop changing. A short pause is due.


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