Wednesday, September 13, 2006

if google settled battles ... who would win?

via GoogleFight.

Israel vs. Lebanon

Lebanon vs. Syria

Lebanon vs. Iran

March 14 vs. March 8

Jumblatt vs. Aoun

Jumblatt vs. Nasrallah

Ok ok. Enough silliness already.


  • :)
    just tried it using..well..much sillier 'keywords'

    now back to work

    By Blogger Laila K, at 1:57 PM  

  • It seems that Jumblatt doesn't have much web presence. Maybe because there is no standard way to write his name. :P

    By Blogger lifeflaw, at 6:44 AM  

  • Try Hariri. He beats both Aoun and Jumblat if lumped together.

    Why didn't you mention him?

    By Blogger Mustapha, at 2:56 AM  

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