Thursday, January 19, 2006

Salim Hoss Writing "From the Heart"

Salim Hoss wrote an article in Assafir. It has some of the usual rhetoric, but its an interesting read nonetheless. (in arabic)


  • Hoss may be a honest person, but he never spoke against Syria's crimes when he was PM. He had his chance & Lebanon needs a new generation of politician anyway.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:33 PM  

  • When Salim Hoss, an economist, states that he does not understand the meaning of "creative destruction" then that speaks volumes aboutthe relevance of his ideas and the depth or shallowness of his understanding. He would be doing himself a favour by acting with some decorum as a has been.Our ex political officials just never die, they crave the spot light even though they have nothing to say on behalf of anyone.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:18 PM  

  • Foss Baby,

    The time to have bold views was when you were PM. Criticizng the US in Mideast isn't really novel, nor useful these days. Kiss off.

    Everybody (or at least the man on the street) is impressed that Foss has a PhD, Toz.

    We all know people with many diplomas who are total idiots.

    Foss will be judged by the results he got as PM: zippo.

    By Blogger JoseyWales, at 6:06 PM  

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