Is The Force With Us?
As I have noted below, Al-Jazeera is running a small, and mostly inconsequential poll, on how readers view the Mehlis Report.23,000+ people have now voted. 48.7% think it is fair, and 51.3% think it isn't.
This definitely cannot be taken as THE opinion, since the sample space is not comprehensive - but it gets you thinking. Less than 50% believe it to be fair. I wonder how many of those that voted are Lebanese ... and out of those, where the dividing line falls. I'm sure that this man, who is quoted in the Daily Star, is not alone when he says "This is just the beginning. God forbid, I fear the Americans want to push Syria down Iraq's path. Why doesn't anyone penalize Israel for all its crimes? Why can't Mehlis point the finger of accusation at Israel?"
The Mehlis Report, even though most it was not NEWS per se, will be going down in history - and not only in Lebanese history. The Pinochet Case is, and will be for years to come, taught in Human Rights classes. The Mehlis investigation will be remembered as one of the (if not the) first times in WORLD history that the UN sponsored an international investigation into the assassination of one man.
But - it has had its share of botches. The most important one is the release of the "word document". Conspiracies as to why that is have been going around ... and even if they are true, it points to a realm (regardless of how minute this realm is) of unprofessionalism.
Even one speck dust can ruin an award-winning photo.
Several speeches will be made today. I will be waiting to see what "words of wisdom" they will contain. More adherence to concepts such as "the truth has been discovered" will bring with them a certain degree of backlash. On the other hand, if they follow the example of Bahia Hariri, who said the truth will be but one way [by which] to establish security and stability in Lebanon. We are required today to be up to our responsibilities and to unify our ranks and promote solidarity between all the Lebanese.", their wisdom will prove itself, and will not be forgotten.
If they don't, more people will begin to think like the man I quoted above. Double standards, when attributed to such a sensitive issue, will always steer the masses off track.
It still remains to be fully seen how Lahoud is going to react, and how people are going to react towards him. A shopkeeper was quoted "Why doesn't the president address us himself? Aren't we good enough for him? Does he consider himself better than Abdel-Nasser? Abdel-Nasser used to directly address his people so why doesn't he?"
The Report contains alot of interesting details, and lacks others - however, its danger lies not in what it does or doesn't discuss, but in how people will be persuaded to believe certain "shades" about the report. I may be wrong, but I doubt that the larger percentage of the country is going to read it. Followers will ... well, will follow what their leaders tell them. A slight embellishment here and there is simply unacceptable.
Not now. Not ever. Especially if you don't want to be pulled over to the dark side ...
And ... on a completely random tangent, and while you're waiting, check out the story of a cunning rat that just outsmarted some scientists.
Update: The statistics are now 45.8% vs. 54.2%. Will it pass the 40-60 line?
What is striking when one looks at public opinion is not as much the comspiracy theories (there are some, but not that many), but the justified exasperation at the monumental US hypocrisy. After the Bush administration showed its absolute contempt for the UN during the Iraqi crisis, it is attemting to instrumentalize the UN in the Syrian case. What's tragic is that some Lebanese, who are blinded by their understandable hate toward Syria fail to see the danger that the Bush White House represents for the Mid East and the entire word. I am surprised to see that Naharnet and some Lebanese bloggers root for Bush as if he had Lebanon's best interests at heart. This is ludicrous. As a Lebanese who suffered from Syrian occupation like all my countrymen, I have nothing but contempt for Bachar and the Syrian regime, but when I look at the global picture (Bush, Iraq, Palestine), I have the feeling that the Lebanese re once again being used as pawns by a despicable puppetteer.
Lebanese should read the US press and see how filthy this US administration really is.
By Anonymous, at 3:48 AM
The Bush administration is not here to stay. Bush approval rates are at an all time low, and the republicans are facing major problems because of his and their shortcomings. BUT, if his madness can bring down the syrian regime, then I'm all for it. Again, the Israeli problem is a huge one, but not something that we will be able to address promptly. It is a chronic illness that we'll eventually resolve. The syrian problem and the way it is affecting our daily lives is a pressing one, and I am so very eager to see the Assad legacy through Bashar and his gang be wiped off the map once and for all.
By Fouad, at 8:29 AM
really what's this report going to do???? let's be honest now.
By La La, at 1:15 PM
la la, I'm waiting to see if it will in fact do anything.
By Lazarus, at 2:24 PM
Actually, let me correct that - this post wasn't about possible political ramifications ... but about potentially exacerbating any already tense differences between people.
By Lazarus, at 2:40 PM
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