Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Solve Lebanon's social issues, and the rest will follow. Too much time is being spent on other concerns - Hezbollah's weapons, SLA amnesty, etc. - while the people are suffering under some fundamental concerns. Keep the bigger picture in mind.

Instead, we have insults and deconstructive dialogue flying all over the place. Read the news, listen to the radio, and you have the choice of either laughing or crying. There is no in between. With each comment some politician makes, he tries to prove that he is more powerful, more original, more "caring" about the lebanese masses, and thus places himself above dialogue. This has been going on since before the war ...

Just look at the issues now - if only people were aware of how similar today is to the 50's ... will we ever learn. Will we ever understand that the Past is Prologue?


  • Couldn't agree more. And thanks for the tip on the weight loss. I agree with that too.

    By Blogger Firas Wehbe, at 7:43 PM  

  • Welcome to my blog :) You have the honor of being my first comment!

    By Blogger Lazarus, at 7:58 PM  

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